2016年5月22日 星期日

Let's start a game and again.

Once again, I attended Gnome Asia Summit 2016.  I'm very eager to attend it every year.  This year is even more special because it was held in India, a historic and secret country.
再一次我參與了GNOME.Asia Summit 的盛會,每一次的盛會總是會讓我有無限的期待,特別是這一次的活動是辦在充滿歷史與神秘色彩的國家印度。

The opening session in each year always shows the different culture in the hosted country.  Though all of us come from different countries and areas, but we were all in the world of open source.
每一次的開幕儀式,呈現了不同國家的文化和會議形式,但是當您看到了台上 GNOME committee的笑容與分享,雖然我們來自於不同的國度,不同的文化背景,但這一刻因為自由軟體,因為GNOME 我們一起融和在共創共享的文化裡。

This year I went to Gnome Asia Summit with Professor Tsung-Heng Chi.  We were very impressive to see that the organizer this year were very diligent with every single detail of every session.

Even more, we were touched with the feedback from the attendees.  Look at this photo.  The sessions had been closed for more than one hour, however many people were still standing there and discussing.

Gnome Asia Summit is not only a conference for free and open source software, but also an inter flow of friendliness and different cultures.  Just like this, the cricket in India.  You can join us and play the game as long as you want, no matter where you come from and if you have had any experience about this.
每一次的 GNOME.Asia Summit 不只是自由軟體的交流,更是文化與友誼的交流,你看,這是印度的板球運動,此刻,就像自由軟體和 GNOME 帶給我們的,不論你來自哪裡,不論你是否有過往的經驗,只要你願意,你就可以和我們一起 Play the game.一起 Just for fun.

Once again, we say goodbye to each other.  However in this internet era the physical distances is no longer a problem.  It was the end of this summit, but also a start of another trip.  Next time, more people will join and go with us.
